i told you this was a whole other blog! so much beauty in such a small space. once again, inspirations for large abstract paintings…from olar, sc.
photographs and words by rebecca wood
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Rebecca Wood
i told you this was a whole other blog! so much beauty in such a small space. once again, inspirations for large abstract paintings…from olar, sc.
photographs and words by rebecca wood
photographs by rebecca wood, blooms from 3 porch farm
i don't know why i love overgrowth. it should be sad that old structures are getting covered in vines, but i guess i just love to see nature taking things back to the earth.
photographs and words by rebecca wood
photograph by rebecca wood
photograph by rebecca wood
recently, kristen and rinne and i decorated and styled a photoshoot about a dinner in the woods. we laid some rough wood planks on top of old milk crates and started to decorate. we had an idea about a table-long scape of mosses, rocks, ferns and such. i had an idea to use some old compotes and some wood fired cups to do some mini terrarium type things.
i dug up some dirt and filled the container about 2/3 full, mounding the dirt slightly. then i dug up a patch of ferns with whatever vines or grasses inhabited the same plot, and simply planted them right into the containers. i topped it off with a little more soil to cover the roots and maintain the mound shape. then i covered the whole top with some of the moss i dug up, as well as a few bits from the craft store. just water in, and vóila! they look so great i think i'll just keep them about.
try one in a sunny living room or dining room. it's good to have a little nature inside...
photographs and words by rebecca rood
years ago, when i was raising my kids in the boulevard neighborhood of athens, i used to always admire this house. it had flowers growing from the porch railing to the street. i thought it was the best house ever. years later, i ended up renting the house from a friend, and came to learn about pearl. she lived there from the early 50's until she died in 1998 at age 98. she was a hard-core gardener. she planted roses, camellias, azaleas and fig trees all around the house that are now ancient, huge and majestic. alas, the front yard flowers had become decimated with neglect and poaching, so i'm excited to rehab it to how i remember it.
i have a picture in my mind's eye of all the phlox, daisies, foxglove, queen anne's lace, roses, etc. that were in the front yard. my son-in-law brought me a dump truck load of compost, which we spread all over the front yard. all fall i went to plant sales and garden shops, planting bulbs and perennials, waiting for spring. now, things are starting to come up and bloom, including snowdrops and hyacinths that i didn't know were there. my plan is to draw flowers all year, and admire...
photos and words by rebecca wood
photograph by rebecca wood
photograph by rebecca wood
photograph by rebecca wood
under a red maple, there was lots of beauty.
a friend took me to see a secret, spring fed pond. it was beautiful and dark, and surrounded by tall pines. chartreuse water lilies broke up the darkness. the bright color of the lily pads and the reflections of grey skies and floating pine straw was way beyond dreamy. must go back there to paint....!
photograph by rebecca wood
this year we are thankful for our families. we hope all of you enjoy spending time with those you love this holiday season.
it's early morning
fog hovers on the river
and the river road
ah, woodland foliage
ever changing, day to day.
new joys to behold
brilliant red sumac
like fallen indian headdress
along autumn's road
haiku by rebecca's father, tolbert williams
photographs by rinne allen {outtakes from a project for kinfolk}
photograph by rebecca wood
photograph by rebecca wood
photograph by rebecca wood
as rinne mentioned in a previous post, i am obsessed with color field photos of fall leaf colors. i think one of my top ten favorite things is wet fall leaves on pavement. if i had the patience to paint these giant, i would. endless wonderful patterns, textures and colors that inspire so many ideas for so many things. i will go out again today if i can stand the cold!
words and photographs by rebecca wood
i was lucky enough to celebrate my birthday in my favorite place, edisto island. october is so wonderful there that i feel like i've been hoodwinked all these years into going to the beach in the summer. we walked the wild beaches for hours, and took lots of beauty pics. here's a series of shoreline abstracts in the sand.
words and photographs by rebecca wood
edisto island has miles of uninhabited shoreline and primeval forests that are so wild and beautiful. we stayed for a weekend in october and had the whole place to ourselves. we finally headed back to the car as the sun set, and i got these dreamy pastel landscapes pics.
words and photographs by rebecca wood