outside carlton, ga off of a dirt road, there is this abandoned rock quarry. i love the colors and shapes of the stone reflecting in the water..
photographs and words by kristin karch
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outside carlton, ga off of a dirt road, there is this abandoned rock quarry. i love the colors and shapes of the stone reflecting in the water..
photographs and words by kristin karch
we have written here before about the different rock quarries we swim in each summer…
the recent warm temperatures have made it a perfect time for swimming, so this past weekend we headed out with some families to swim and camp for the night at one of the quarries nearby. while the children swam & played, i did my usual wander around and looked at all the patterns in the stone and textures. i love the lichens, wildflowers, and craggy plants that grow here. part of this quarry is still mined for stone, while the other part is abandoned and safe for swimming. we look forward to many days of swimming and exploring here this summer!
words & photographs by rinne allen
photograph by rinne allen
photograph by rinne allen
photo by kristen bach
photograph by rinne allen
words and photographs by rinne allen
Read Morewe have been going to this particular rock quarry for 9 or 10 years- no one seems to remember exactly. each time we go, i am always, always taken aback by its beauty.
granite is underneath all of athens, and therefore the granite industry is a big one, especially in neighboring elbert and oglethorpe counties. we have family friends who quarry and we have granite around our yards, fashioning paths. i remember swimming in quarries throughout high school, a different one each summer.
our friends purchased this one and cleaned it up. divers surveyed it for hazards and gave it the all-clear. now, families gather here and get refreshed in the cool waters, or sit in the sun on the warm granite. the owners, in true deep DIY spirit, have fashioned an outdoor kitchen and a huge tarped shade area. we have eaten some of the yummiest food here, cooked over a fire or in the kitchen.
we are happy that our children get to roam here...and learn about the tiny flowers and mosses and piney woods, climb the rocks, and enjoy swimming with each other in one of Nature's prettiest spots.
thank you.
words and photographs by rinne allen.